life has been a "cat and mouse" game...since...i ve started fixing bugs...in my company...
its a hard game initiallty....its even harder to figure out....who "cat " is.....
now i ve averaged out the things....as dey say..its kewl now!!!!
Time devoted for "fixing-bugs" actually involves more for finding where the bug is rather than ..wat it is.....99% of the time....spent in understanding the problem....... the rest...all of us know.The most ironical part of this business is dat.....a bug once fixed...gives rise to another 10 .So..the question is..."whether to fix the bug or not"......
Working late even though not part of the process, always is demanding.But Of course it is up to u to stay.I have seen engineers staying late because of the so called "Build" got failed.Worst of it that was heared was,the impact of the build failure on the on-shore.They just dont care about what happened and even dont realise that a 15k people in India are just waiting for build failure to get resolved to resume their work.I guess this too is part of the so called "GLOBALISATION" that is happening.
Along the line,I have always cursed the coders/developers who developed the product in such a manner.At the same time ,I do treasure them with god just because dey r in some way or the other responsible for my post as an engineer in production/support fixing bugs.Else I would have sat in front of my company with a board saying ..""SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED 1 YR OF BENCHING""....as did by DDLJ in "Maratha Mandir"......
The Word "PRODUCTIVITY" does have some significance if u r working in support.Every Wk end,I see our PM and the Tl's with a fire on their tails.They say it is a good sign if we cross the 70 % mark.Productivity is calculated by a strange formula.With the number of defects closed in that particular week in the numberator and a fraction of the number of leaves taken tol be deducted from the denominator.So as far as Productivity is concerned it definitely is a team game.You either have to resolve defects or have to take leave.The Second outcome is far better I guess...
so far soo good.......lifes been a challenging game......
lets hope.....fixing dem..rather dan....those fixing us.....
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