Again a friday to do my post...i shld say i m lucky to be on a status."without work"..on this friday.. too..
so the question that im putting forth is a simple one.
-----""is this wat we really want""-----------
in the other sense.."ARE WE SATISFIED"...
answer we have is not staright forward....... i know
although i think..those..who ve a vision...of something..dey ve always dreamt of doin...
and are on the verge of doin such things..do have a definite and precise answer, I guess.
Are we not special in some or other way.
Are we not Different from others..in many ways....
Then y not...pick on our speciality....(am I sounding boring..with these..moral science..statements??)
The answer wat ..I suppose is ..that,we are bounded by a lot of parameters around us.
May be the MOB that is around us..or their dreams effecting ours....our the social setup..dat surrounds...or may be the financial status....can be any tiny thing.
There are ""A LOT"" of things that in one way or the other..affect us..
One obviously cant ..throw away those......
But can live with it n still "WIN"......Den again "WIN" status had different meanings for different people...I really dont feel dat i m in a state of success..... I also dont consider myself as a failure..... either.. I would say..Im growing..progessing..enhancing....wat ever....I always try to make sure to compare me with myself....n makesue that the person dat i was today is 1 % better than I was yesterday..I think dat if I could do this for a longer period.....I would definitely...succeed!!!
I think i should be laconic....perhaps.... Any ways...I am on my way discovering things......everybody does...dat...."" I think I ll end up discovering MYSELF"".......