feb-26 2005-
it was getting hot in the morning....n then i woke up......saw the sun starinn to my eyes....
i pulled myself out the bed...and.....and...............
no way ....thiss....it was not the picture of madhuri dixit which i usually used 2 see wen i woke up.....it was jennifer anitson......as i turned towards left.....i saw a nice little laptop on my table....woow......had a nice look at the room....it was not he same room with which i started my sleep....the room was bigger ....with an attached bathroom....i was pretty sure....that wen i slept i was in dtops nit....was a lil bit confused.....
wen i took a look at the books on the table....it was somethinn 2 DO with mgmt.....
me studyinn management...(mba) ....no way....
....was not sure of wat actually happend.....then.........
the voice said that i had 2 do a presentation at 10 ....the voice too was unfamiliar.....
.....oh my ...holy...GOD......wat is goinn on here.......
i sat on the cushion...and thought........
it was really disgustinn dat thingz were not the way....i wanted it 2 be....
i realised that i was doin some MBA at some clg outside kerala....
....i thought....and thought....
i really had misd some thinn ......wat was dat.......
wen my thought went still deeper.....i realised that i had nice lil group of frenz....
....tried 2 remember their names...got upto 10 names........
the calender in my room said that it was 2007....
....years passed....
i knew...that i last talkd 2 them in 2005.....
...things changed .....
we changed.......
got some phone numbers....from my memory....
...i was trackinn my self ....of wat...actually happened......
....time was 10.30..and any way i had no idea of d happengs....d presentation ws left apart...
...it was more like....findinn myself....where...i was...wat i wantd 2 be...where i am...
wat i missed......
it took me hrs to figure it out.....
i really misd some guys....whom i really dint call after '05....i really misd...DEM
it was gettinn late....n i hvnt hd any food since mng.....
went out ....in a whole different campus...had food from a nearby caffetteria.....n went to sleep....
....it was getting cold ....n i woke up..........pulled myself out of the bed....
wat the hell was dat......i saw the good old madhuriz pic on the walls....
''''wlcome back '''.....ur home.....
i was in the same room where i actually slept......
wow..phew..phew...pheeeeeew...........its cool 2 b back....